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This is Kristi’s mom’s cobbler recipe, and it’s deliciously adaptable to gluten-free eating and to a range of sizes. Also, it’s just plain delicious. This got the most compliments of any dish at the party. Pick your Flavor Cobbler 2

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Brioche Cinnamon Rolls Revisited

I wrote here about the recipe that is the backbone of our King Cake experience for Carnival season. In that post, I linked to someone else’s posting of a recipe that’s apparently from a book. The website where I found

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King Cake (Rolls)!

  I moved to southern Louisiana three years ago, and king cake is a tradition here. It’s a very specific kind of bready treat, made during Carnival season. There’s family recipes, cultural rules and just general affection for and loyalty

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Gluten-Free Jack Daniel’s Bread Pudding

This is another awesome piece in our family’s growing chocolate-free, gluten-free dessert options. I made this bread pudding for the second time yesterday, and ironed out a lot of hiccups in the GF adapation process this time (the recipe I

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I CANNOT contain my glee!! I am not an overly experienced baker, and I have almost no gluten-free baking experience. However(!), in trying to recreate an old favorite recipe, I have stumbled into some muffins that are TO DIE FOR.

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